
Welcome to the Lakenheath Community Primary School website

Meet the Team

Mr M Tingey


Mrs C Nobbs

Business Manager

Miss F Cocks

Deputy Headteacher/ADSL

Mrs C Page

Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo/DSL

Miss M Mullings

Senior Leader & SENDCo

Administration and Support
Mrs L Rolph

Receptionist / Website Administrator

Miss L Nobbs

Finance Assistant

Mr Barnes

School Caretaker

Mr M Bishop
Mrs M Fancy
Miss A Gaught
Mrs K Knight
Mrs L Locke

Early Years Leader

Mrs N Scott-Mullen
Mrs R Tingey
Mrs J Watson
Miss L Wells
Teaching Assistants
Mrs J Fox

Family Support Practitioner/ADSL

Mrs A Merrill

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss E Allan
Mrs K Baldwin
Mrs R Bell
Miss V Bellingham
Mrs L Buckles
Miss J Champion
Mrs A Cockerill
Mrs C Constable
Mrs D Dasher
Miss M Goddard
Mrs B Hampson
Mrs C Harrison
Mrs S Heap
Mrs G Horrex
Mrs H Lewis
Mrs J Peters
Mrs N Rutterford
Mrs K Skeats
Mrs D Smith
Mrs D Thompson
Mrs J Woodage