
Welcome to the Lakenheath Community Primary School website - The School is now closed for the Summer Holidays, the children return on Wednesday 4th September

Fox Class - Year 2


Welcome to Fox Class


The class teacher for this class is: Mrs N. Scott-Mullen


Other adults that usually support in this class are: Miss J. Champion and Mrs M. Riser  


PE Days: 

Our PE days this year are Thursday and Friday 

Science Topics this year:

Autumn Term: Living things and their habitats

Spring Term: Animals including humans

Summer Term: Great scientists and explorers

Our History and Geography topics this year:

Autumn Term: Mary Anning (HIS) and Our local area (GEO)

Spring Term: Sensational safari (Africa) (GEO)

Summer Term: Transport through time (HIS)


Our class books this year include:

Rabbit and Bear – Rabbit’s bad habits

The Secret Sky Garden

One Day On Our Blue Planet – in the savannah

Meerkat Mail

Lila and the Secret of Rain

Traction Man

The Egg Box Dragon


Trips/visits this year:

African animal experience

Farm trip

Hands on Science Workshop