
Welcome to the Lakenheath Community Primary School website - The School is now closed for the Summer Holidays, the children return on Wednesday 4th September

Owl Class - Year 3&4


The class teacher for this class is: Miss Harcombe

Other adults that usually support in this class are: Mrs Skeats, Mrs Hampson, Miss Bellingham, Mrs Dasher, Mrs Constable


PE Days:

Our PE days this term are Friday and Monday


Science Topics this year:

Spring Term: Rocks and Forces

Summer Term: Plants

Autumn Term: Animals including humans


Our History and Geography topics this year:

Spring Term: United Kingdom and my region

Summer Term:  The Romans

Autumn Term: Stone Age to Iron Age


Our class books this year include: 

Gorilla, Anthony Browne

Pebble in my pocket, Meredith Hooper  

Pied Piper of Hamlyn by Michael Morpurgo

The First Drawing, Mordacai Gerstein

The Tin Forest, Helen Ward  

Pugs of the Frozen North- by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre

Arthur and the Golden Rope -Joe Todd-Stanton 

Escape from Pompeii


Trips/visits this year: 

1 night residential to Burwell House,

Colchester Castle