Throughout the school, pupils have access to an ICT suite, mobile computing and multi-media devices. These allow pupils to be taught within the whole class, in small groups or as individuals. Pupils use computers, laptops, chrome book, ipads, microbits and other specialist tools to support learning in many curriculum areas. They have access to and experience a variety of different software applications including: Office, Google Docs, Google Classroom, Scratch, photo art and drawing, systems flow and programming software as well as fast, filtered internet access. The Computing curriculum is being continually redesigned and now we will be working to develop digitally literate pupils who are at home with the keyboard as well as the pen. We use the Scheme 'Keychain Computing' to support our teaching of computing. Technology will be used in all subject areas to develop digital literacy and in computing lessons specifically, pupils will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of computing and a gain the knowledge and confidence to investigate all aspects of programming, editing and using databases.
The safety of our children is the utmost importance to us, so we have a big focus on teaching our children how to keep safe on line. As a school we celebrate safer internet day, every year, we also dedicate other times to help our children remember the rules to keep safe online.